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Download the PDF Voter Guide from the California Rifle and Pistol Association by clicking the image below.

CRPA Voter Guide


Please vote. Gun owners must pull together to keep the Second Amendment alive in California. Think of this as a tug-of-war; even if a few gun owners are too lazy to take up the slack and start pulling, we will all end up in the mud. We must pull together EVERYONE, and encourage others to do the same. We understand that sometimes voting can be confusing and take effort doing research, but think of how many people around the world dream of having what we have in America. Consider how many patriots fought and sacrificed for this right that we have to choose a government of the people and for the people. Be THOSE PEOPLE who choose rather than letting others choose for them. Choose YOUR government. Choose freedom.

Pull Together Image... VOTE

Thank CRPA for Get Out the Vote Campaign
I'd like to thank CRPA for putting this voting guide together. Please join and support 2A organizations like CRPA, Calguns Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Gun Owners of California, etc., and vote. Please don't discourage, but encourage others to do the same. This is how we win others to our cause. Please share this page!

Watch Video from GunGuyTV

Here is a video from Joel Persinger (GunGuyTV) explaining why voting in this election is so important.

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